Read From Inputstream and Convert to Json Object in Java
Class JSONArray
coffee.lang.Objectjava.util.AbstractCollection<Due east>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable, Collection, List, RandomAccess, JSONArtifact
public course JSONArray
- extends ArrayList
- implements JSONArtifact
Extension of ArrayList that merely allows values which are JSON-able. Encounter JSONObject for a listing of valid values. Instances of this class are not thread-safety.
- See Also:
- Serialized Course
Field Summary |
Fields inherited from grade java.util.AbstractList |
modCount |
Constructor Summary | |
JSONArray() Create a new instance of this class. | |
JSONArray(Drove col) Create a new case of this form based off the contents of the passed in collection | |
JSONArray(Collection col, boolean includeSuperclass) Create a new example of this class based off the contents of the passed in collection | |
JSONArray(InputStream is) Create a new instance of this grade from the data provided from the input stream. | |
JSONArray(InputStream is, boolean strict) Create a new case of this course from the information provided from the input stream. | |
JSONArray(int initialCapacity) Create a new example of this class with the specified initial capacity. | |
JSONArray(Object[] elems) Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed object array. | |
JSONArray(Object[] elems, boolean includeSuperclass) Create a new case of this class based off the contents of the passed object array. | |
JSONArray(Reader rdr) Create a new case of this course from the data provided from the reader. | |
JSONArray(Reader rdr, boolean strict) Create a new case of this class from the information provided from the reader. | |
JSONArray(String str) Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object string. | |
JSONArray(String str, boolean strict) Create a new instance of this class from the provided JSON object cord. |
Method Summary | |
void | add(int alphabetize, Object chemical element) |
boolean | add(Object chemical element) |
boolean | add(Object element, boolean includeSuperclass) |
boolean | addAll(Collection collection) |
boolean | addAll(int alphabetize, Collection collection) |
boolean | getBoolean(int alphabetize) Function to obtain a value at the specified index every bit a boolean. |
double | getDouble(int index) Function to obtain a value at the specified alphabetize as a double. |
Object | getIndex(int index) Function to go a JSONArray entry at a specified alphabetize. |
int | getInt(int index) Function to obtain a value at the specified index as an int. |
JSONArray | getJSONArray(int alphabetize) Utility method to obtain the specified index as a JSONArray Only values that are instances of JSONArray volition exist returned. |
JSONObject | getJSONObject(int index) Utility method to obtain the specified cardinal as a JSONObject Simply values that are instances of JSONObject will exist returned. |
long | getLong(int index) Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a long. |
short | getShort(int index) Function to obtain a value at the specified alphabetize equally a short. |
String | getString(int index) Role to obtain a value at the specified index every bit a string. |
boolean | isNull(int alphabetize) Utility function for testing if an element at index 'idx' is zero or not. |
String | join(String str) Method to mimic the behavior of the JavaScript array join function |
int | length() Utility part that maps ArrayList.size() to length, for compatibility to other JSON parsers. |
Object | opt(int index) Method to get the object at that position, or null if outside the array range. |
Object | opt(int index, Object defaultValue) Method to become the object at that position, or null if outside the array range. |
boolean | optBoolean(int alphabetize) Method to obtain the value at index every bit an boolean, or 'false' if outside the array. |
boolean | optBoolean(int alphabetize, boolean defaultValue) Method to obtain the value at index as an boolean, or 'defaultValue' if exterior the array. |
double | optDouble(int index) Method to obtain the value at index as a double, or Double.NaN if outside the assortment. |
double | optDouble(int index, double defaultValue) Method to obtain the value at index as a double, or Double.NaN if outside the array. |
int | optInt(int index) Method to obtain the value at index equally an int, or '0' if outside the array. |
int | optInt(int index, int defaultValue) Method to obtain the value at index as an int, or defaultValue if outside the array. |
long | optLong(int alphabetize) Method to obtain the value at alphabetize as a long, or '0' if exterior the array. |
long | optLong(int index, long defaultValue) Method to obtain the value at index as a long, or defaultValue if exterior the array. |
short | optShort(int index) Method to obtain the value at alphabetize every bit a short, or '0' if outside the array. |
short | optShort(int index, short defaultValue) Method to obtain the value at index as a short, or '0' if outside the array. |
String | optString(int index) Method to obtain the value at alphabetize as a String, or null if exterior the array. |
String | optString(int index, String defaultValue) Method to obtain the value at index as a String, or defaultValue if exterior the array. |
JSONArray | put(boolean value) Method to identify a int into the array. |
JSONArray | put(Collection value) Method to place a map into the array. |
JSONArray | put(Drove value, boolean includeSuperclass) Method to place a map into the array. |
JSONArray | put(double value) Method to place a double into the array. |
JSONArray | put(int value) Method to identify a int into the array. |
JSONArray | put(int index, boolean value) Method to place a boolean into the assortment. |
JSONArray | put(int alphabetize, Collection value) Method to identify a map into the array. |
JSONArray | put(int alphabetize, Collection value, boolean includeSuperclass) Method to place a map into the assortment. |
JSONArray | put(int index, double value) Method to place a double into the assortment. |
JSONArray | put(int index, int value) Method to place an int into the array. |
JSONArray | put(int index, long value) Method to place a long into the assortment. |
JSONArray | put(int alphabetize, Map value) Method to place a java.util.Map case in the array. |
JSONArray | put(int index, Map value, boolean includeSuperclass) Method to place a java.util.Map instance in the array. |
JSONArray | put(int alphabetize, Object element) Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(int, java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers. |
JSONArray | put(int index, short value) Method to place a brusque into the array. |
JSONArray | put(long value) Method to place a long into the array. |
JSONArray | put(Map value) Method to place a map into the array. |
JSONArray | put(Map value, boolean includeSuperclass) Method to place a map into the array. |
JSONArray | put(Object element) Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(coffee.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers. |
JSONArray | put(Object element, boolean includeSuperclass) Map of coffee.util.ArrayList.add(java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers. |
JSONArray | put(short value) Method to place a brusque into the array. |
Object | fix(int index, Object chemical element) |
String | toString() Over-ridden toString() method. |
String | toString(int indentDepth) Function to return a string of JSON text with specified indention. |
String | write() Convert this object into a String of JSON text. |
String | write(boolean verbose) Catechumen this object into a String of JSON text, specifying verbosity. |
String | write(int indentDepth) Convert this array into a Cord of JSON text, specifying verbosity. |
OutputStream | write(OutputStream os) Convert this object into a stream of JSON text. |
OutputStream | write(OutputStream os, boolean verbose) Convert this object into a stream of JSON text. |
OutputStream | write(OutputStream bone, int indentDepth) Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent level. |
Writer | write(Writer writer) Convert this object into a stream of JSON text. |
Writer | write(Writer author, boolean verbose) Catechumen this object into a stream of JSON text, specifying verbosity. |
Writer | write(Writer writer, int indentDepth) Catechumen this array into a stream of JSON text, specifying verbosity. |
Methods inherited from course coffee.util.ArrayList |
articulate, clone, contains, ensureCapacity, get, indexOf, isEmpty, lastIndexOf, remove, remove, removeRange, size, toArray, toArray, trimToSize |
Methods inherited from class coffee.util.AbstractList |
equals, hashCode, iterator, listIterator, listIterator, subList |
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection |
containsAll, removeAll, retainAll |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, expect, wait |
Methods inherited from interface coffee.util.List |
containsAll, equals, hashCode, iterator, listIterator, listIterator, removeAll, retainAll, subList |
Constructor Item |
public JSONArray()
- Create a new instance of this class.
public JSONArray(int initialCapacity)
- Create a new instance of this class with the specified initial chapters.
- Parameters:
- The initial size to define the array equally.
public JSONArray(Collection col) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed in collection
- Parameters:
- The Collection of objects to add into this array. - Throws:
- Thrown when objects in the collection are not JSONable. -
- Thrown if col is zero.
public JSONArray(Object[] elems) throws JSONException
- Create a new case of this class based off the contents of the passed object array.
- Parameters:
- The strings to add to a new JSONArray - Throws:
- Thrown when objects in the array are not JSONable.
public JSONArray(Object[] elems, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this form based off the contents of the passed object array.
- Parameters:
- The strings to add to a new JSONArray -
- For JavaBeans, include all superclass info. - Throws:
- Thrown when objects in the array are not JSONable.
public JSONArray(Collection col, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this class based off the contents of the passed in collection
- Parameters:
- The Collection of objects to add into this array. -
- For JavaBeans, include all superclass info. - Throws:
- Thrown when objects in the collection are not JSONable. &throws NullPointerException Thrown if col is naught.
public JSONArray(Cord str) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this course from the provided JSON object string. Note: This is the same equally calling new JSONArray(str, simulated); Parsing in not-strict fashion.
- Parameters:
- The JSON array string to parse. - Throws:
- Thrown when the string passed is null, or malformed JSON..
public JSONArray(String str, boolean strict) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this form from the provided JSON object cord.
- Parameters:
- The JSON assortment cord to parse. -
- Boolean denoting if the JSON should be parsed n strict fashion, significant unquoted strings and comments are not allowed. - Throws:
- Thrown when the string passed is null, or malformed JSON..
public JSONArray(Reader rdr) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this course from the information provided from the reader. The reader content must be a JSON array string. Note: The reader volition not be airtight, that is left to the caller. Annotation: This is the same equally calling new JSONArray(rdr, faux); Parsing in non-strict mode.
- Parameters:
- The Reader from which to read the JSON array cord to parse. - Throws:
- Thrown when the string passed is cipher, or malformed JSON..
public JSONArray(Reader rdr, boolean strict) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this grade from the data provided from the reader. The reader content must be a JSON assortment cord. Note: The reader will not be closed, that is left to the caller.
- Parameters:
- The Reader from which to read the JSON array string to parse. -
- Boolean denoting if the JSON should exist parsed n strict mode, meaning unquoted strings and comments are not allowed. - Throws:
- Thrown when the cord passed is cypher, or malformed JSON..
public JSONArray(InputStream is) throws JSONException
- Create a new case of this class from the information provided from the input stream. The stream content must be a JSON assortment string. Note: The input stream content is assumed to exist UTF-8 encoded. Annotation: The InputStream will not be closed, that is left to the caller.
- Parameters:
- The InputStream from which to read the JSON array string to parse. - Throws:
- Thrown when the string passed is nothing, or malformed JSON..
public JSONArray(InputStream is, boolean strict) throws JSONException
- Create a new instance of this class from the information provided from the input stream. The stream content must be a JSON array string. Notation: The input stream content is causeless to be UTF-8 encoded. Notation: The InputStream will non be closed, that is left to the caller.
- Parameters:
- The InputStream from which to read the JSON array string to parse. -
- Boolean denoting if the JSON should be parsed n strict mode, meaning unquoted strings and comments are not allowed. - Throws:
- Thrown when the string passed is nil, or malformed JSON..
Method Detail |
public Object getIndex(int alphabetize) throws JSONException
- Function to become a JSONArray entry at a specified index.
- Parameters:
- The position in the rray to fetch the object from - Throws:
- Thrown if the index is exterior the array bounds.
add together
public void add(int index, Object element)
- Specified by:
in interfaceList
- Overrides:
in classArrayList
public boolean add together(Object element, boolean includeSuperclass)
public boolean add(Object chemical element)
- Specified past:
add together
in interfaceDrove
- Specified by:
in interfaceList
- Overrides:
in classArrayList
public boolean addAll(Collection collection)
- Specified by:
in interfaceCollection
- Specified by:
in interfaceList
- Overrides:
in classArrayList
public boolean addAll(int alphabetize, Collection collection)
- Specified by:
in interfaceListing
- Overrides:
in classArrayList
public Object set up(int index, Object element)
- Specified past:
gear up
in interfaceList
- Overrides:
in gradeArrayList
public JSONArray put(int alphabetize, Object element) throws JSONException
- Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(int, java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
- Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
- Throws:
- in the instance of index out of premises, etc. - See Likewise:
ArrayList.add(int, java.lang.Object)
public JSONArray put(Object element) throws JSONException
- Map of coffee.util.ArrayList.add together(java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
- Returns:
- A reference to this array example.
- Throws:
- See Likewise:
public JSONArray put(Object element, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Map of java.util.ArrayList.add(java.lang.Object), for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
- Returns:
- A reference to this array case.
- Throws:
- See Also:
ArrayList.add together(coffee.lang.Object)
public JSONArray put(int alphabetize, Map value) throws JSONException
- Method to place a coffee.util.Map instance in the array. It will convert the map to a JSONObject if necessary.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the Map (or coverted map). -
- An instance of a java.util.Map to insert into the array. Will catechumen to JSONObject if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the map cannot be converted to something JSONAble or the alphabetize is out of bounds.
public JSONArray put(int index, Map value, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Method to place a java.util.Map instance in the array. Information technology will catechumen the map to a JSONObject if necessary.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the Map (or coverted map). -
- An instance of a coffee.util.Map to insert into the array. Will catechumen to JSONObject if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the map cannot be converted to something JSONAble or the index is out of bounds.
public JSONArray put(Map value) throws JSONException
- Method to place a map into the array. It will convert the map to a JSONObject if necessary.
- Parameters:
- An instance of a java.util.Map to insert into the array. Will catechumen to JSONObject if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this assortment case.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the map cannot be converted to something JSONAble.
public JSONArray put(Map value, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Method to identify a map into the assortment. It will convert the map to a JSONObject if necessary.
- Parameters:
- An instance of a java.util.Map to insert into the array. Will convert to JSONObject if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the map cannot be converted to something JSONAble.
public JSONArray put(int index, Collection value) throws JSONException
- Method to place a map into the array. It will convert the map to a JSONArray if necessary.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the Collection. -
- An instance of a java.util.Collection to insert into the array. Volition catechumen to JSONArray if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the drove cannot be converted to something JSONAble or the index is out of bounds.
public JSONArray put(int alphabetize, Collection value, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Method to place a map into the array. Information technology volition convert the map to a JSONArray if necessary.
- Parameters:
- The position in the assortment to place the Collection. -
- An instance of a java.util.Collection to insert into the array. Will convert to JSONArray if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this assortment example.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the collection cannot be converted to something JSONAble or the index is out of bounds.
public JSONArray put(Drove value) throws JSONException
- Method to place a map into the assortment. It will convert the map to a JSONArray if necessary.
- Parameters:
- An case of a java.util.Collection to insert into the array. Will convert to JSONArray if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this assortment instance.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the drove cannot be converted to something JSONAble.
public JSONArray put(Drove value, boolean includeSuperclass) throws JSONException
- Method to place a map into the array. It will convert the map to a JSONArray if necessary.
- Parameters:
- An instance of a java.util.Collection to insert into the array. Will catechumen to JSONArray if necessary. - Returns:
- A reference to this assortment example.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the collection cannot be converted to something JSONAble.
public JSONArray put(long value)
- Method to place a long into the array.
- Parameters:
- A long - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public JSONArray put(int index, long value)
- Method to place a long into the assortment.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to identify the long. -
- A long - Returns:
- A reference to this assortment instance.
public JSONArray put(int value)
- Method to place a int into the array.
- Parameters:
- An int - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public JSONArray put(int index, int value)
- Method to place an int into the array.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the int. -
- An int - Returns:
- A reference to this array example.
public JSONArray put(brusque value)
- Method to place a short into the assortment.
- Parameters:
- A curt - Returns:
- A reference to this array case.
public JSONArray put(int index, brusque value)
- Method to place a short into the assortment.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the brusk. -
- A short - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public JSONArray put(double value)
- Method to place a double into the array.
- Parameters:
- A double - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public JSONArray put(int index, double value)
- Method to place a double into the array.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the double. -
- A double - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public JSONArray put(boolean value)
- Method to place a int into the array.
- Parameters:
- A boolean - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public JSONArray put(int index, boolean value)
- Method to identify a boolean into the assortment.
- Parameters:
- The position in the array to place the int. -
- A boolean - Returns:
- A reference to this array instance.
public boolean getBoolean(int index) throws JSONException
- Part to obtain a value at the specified index as a boolean.
- Parameters:
- The index of the item to retrieve. - Returns:
- boolean value.
- Throws:
- if the index is outside the range or if the type at the position was not Boolean or a string of 'true' or 'false'
public double getDouble(int index) throws JSONException
- Function to obtain a value at the specified alphabetize as a double.
- Parameters:
- The index of the particular to retrieve. - Returns:
- double value.
- Throws:
- if the index is outside the range or if the type at the position was not Number.
public long getLong(int index) throws JSONException
- Function to obtain a value at the specified index as a long.
- Parameters:
- The index of the particular to call up. - Returns:
- long value.
- Throws:
- if the index is outside the range or if the type at the position was not Number.
public int getInt(int index) throws JSONException
- Function to obtain a value at the specified index as an int.
- Parameters:
- The index of the particular to recollect. - Returns:
- int value.
- Throws:
- if the index is outside the range or if the type at the position was not Number.
public short getShort(int index) throws JSONException
- Office to obtain a value at the specified index equally a short.
- Parameters:
- The index of the particular to retrieve. - Returns:
- curt value.
- Throws:
- if the alphabetize is outside the range or if the type at the position was not Number.
public Cord getString(int alphabetize) throws JSONException
- Role to obtain a value at the specified index as a string.
- Parameters:
- The alphabetize of the item to recollect. - Returns:
- cord value.
- Throws:
- if the index is outside the range or if the type at the position was not an object with a toString() role..
public JSONObject getJSONObject(int index) throws JSONException
- Utility method to obtain the specified key as a JSONObject Only values that are instances of JSONObject volition exist returned. A cipher will generate an exception.
- Parameters:
- The alphabetize to look up. throws JSONException Thrown when the blazon returned by get(key) is not a JSONObject instance. - Returns:
- A JSONObject value if the value stored for key is an instance or subclass of JSONObject.
- Throws:
public JSONArray getJSONArray(int index) throws JSONException
- Utility method to obtain the specified index as a JSONArray Only values that are instances of JSONArray will be returned. A null will generate an exception.
- Parameters:
- The alphabetize to await up. throws JSONException Thrown when the blazon returned by go(key) is not a Long example, or cannot be converted to a long.. - Returns:
- A JSONArray value if the value stored for key is an instance or bracket of JSONArray.
- Throws:
public boolean isNull(int index)
- Utility function for testing if an chemical element at index 'idx' is cypher or not.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if an alphabetize is null or non. Will also return true for indexes outside the size of the array.
public int length()
- Utility part that maps ArrayList.size() to length, for compatibility to other JSON parsers.
- Returns:
- The number of elements in this JSONArray.
public OutputStream write(OutputStream os) throws JSONException
- Convert this object into a stream of JSON text. Aforementioned as calling write(os,false);
- Specified past:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- The output stream to write data to. - Returns:
- The passed in OutputStream.
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public OutputStream write(OutputStream os, boolean verbose) throws JSONException
- Convert this object into a stream of JSON text. Same as calling write(author,false);
- Specified past:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- The output stream to write information to. Output stream characters will be serialized as UTF-8. -
- Whether or not to write the JSON text in a verbose format. - Returns:
- The passed in OutputStream.
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public OutputStream write(OutputStream os, int indentDepth) throws JSONException
- Catechumen this object into a Cord of JSON text, specifying how many spaces should be used for each indent level. Output stream characters will be serialized as UTF-8.
- Specified by:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- How many spaces to use for each indent level. Should be i to eight. Less than i means no intending, greater than viii and it will just use tab. - Returns:
- The passed in OutputStream.
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public Author write(Writer writer) throws JSONException
- Convert this object into a stream of JSON text. Same as calling write(writer,false);
- Specified past:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- The writer which to write the JSON text to. - Returns:
- The passed in writer.
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public Author write(Writer author, boolean verbose) throws JSONException
- Convert this object into a stream of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
- Specified by:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- The writer which to write the JSON text to. - Returns:
- The passed in writer.
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public Writer write(Author writer, int indentDepth) throws JSONException
- Catechumen this array into a stream of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
- Specified past:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- The writer which to write the JSON text to. -
- How many spaces to use for each indent level. Should exist one to eight. - Returns:
- The passed in writer.
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public Cord write(boolean verbose) throws JSONException
- Convert this object into a String of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
- Specified by:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- Whether or not to write in compressed for formatted Strings. - Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public String write(int indentDepth) throws JSONException
- Convert this array into a Cord of JSON text, specifying verbosity.
- Specified by:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Parameters:
- How many spaces to use for each indent level. Should be one to eight. - Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public String write() throws JSONException
- Convert this object into a String of JSON text. Aforementioned as write(false);
- Specified by:
in interfaceJSONArtifact
- Throws:
- Thrown on IO errors during serialization.
public Cord toString()
- Over-ridden toString() method. Returns the same value as write(), which is a meaty JSON String. If an error occurs in the serialization, the return will be of format: JSON Generation Error: [
] -
- Overrides:
in classAbstractCollection
public String toString(int indentDepth) throws JSONException
- Function to return a string of JSON text with specified indention. Returns the same value every bit write(indentDepth). If an error occurs in the serialization, the return will be of format: JSON Generation Error: [
] -
- Throws:
- Thrown if an mistake occurs during JSON generation.
public String join(String str)
- Method to mimic the behavior of the JavaScript array join function
- Parameters:
- The string delimiter to place betwixt joined array elements in the output string. - Returns:
- A string of all the elements joined together.
public Object opt(int index)
- Method to become the object at that position, or zippo if outside the assortment range.
- Parameters:
- the assortment index to get - Returns:
- - value or naught
public Object opt(int index, Object defaultValue)
- Method to become the object at that position, or null if outside the assortment range.
- Parameters:
- the array alphabetize to get -
- the value to return if index is exterior the assortment. - Returns:
- - value or defaultValue
public boolean optBoolean(int alphabetize)
- Method to obtain the value at index equally an boolean, or 'false' if outside the array.
- Parameters:
- the array alphabetize to go - Returns:
- - value or faux
public boolean optBoolean(int index, boolean defaultValue)
- Method to obtain the value at alphabetize as an boolean, or 'defaultValue' if exterior the array.
- Parameters:
- The array alphabetize to get. -
- the value to return if alphabetize is outside the array. - Returns:
- - value or fake
public int optInt(int index)
- Method to obtain the value at index as an int, or '0' if outside the array.
- Parameters:
- the array index to get - Returns:
- - value or 0
public int optInt(int index, int defaultValue)
- Method to obtain the value at index as an int, or defaultValue if outside the array.
- Parameters:
- the array alphabetize to go -
- the value to return if alphabetize is outside the assortment. - Returns:
- - value or 0
public long optLong(int index)
- Method to obtain the value at index equally a long, or '0' if exterior the assortment.
- Parameters:
- the assortment index to get - Returns:
- - value or 0
public long optLong(int index, long defaultValue)
- Method to obtain the value at index as a long, or defaultValue if exterior the array.
- Parameters:
- the array index to get -
- the value to return if index is outside the array. five* @return - value or defaultValue
public short optShort(int index)
- Method to obtain the value at index every bit a short, or '0' if outside the array.
- Parameters:
- the array index to get - Returns:
- - value or 0
public short optShort(int index, brusque defaultValue)
- Method to obtain the value at index as a short, or '0' if outside the assortment.
- Parameters:
- the array alphabetize to get -
- the value to return if index is outside the array. - Returns:
- - value or defaultValue
public double optDouble(int index)
- Method to obtain the value at index as a double, or Double.NaN if exterior the array.
- Parameters:
- the array index to go - Returns:
- - value or Double.NaN
public double optDouble(int index, double defaultValue)
- Method to obtain the value at alphabetize as a double, or Double.NaN if exterior the array.
- Parameters:
- the array index to get -
- the value to render if index is outside the array. - Returns:
- - value or defaultValue
public String optString(int alphabetize)
- Method to obtain the value at index as a Cord, or null if outside the assortment.
- Parameters:
- the array index to get - Returns:
- - value or null
public Cord optString(int alphabetize, String defaultValue)
- Method to obtain the value at alphabetize every bit a String, or defaultValue if outside the array.
- Parameters:
- the assortment index to become -
- the value to render if alphabetize is outside the assortment. - Returns:
- - value or defaultValue
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