what additional value can you bring to your current role

You lot will often be asked a job interview question virtually how yous could contribute to or add value to a visitor. What's the best fashion to answer? This question gives you an opportunity to explain what makes you stand out amid all the other candidates and how you lot will exist an asset to that particular company.

If you're asked about what you can contribute to the arrangement, you lot'll have the perfect opportunity to convince the interviewer why you're the right candidate for the chore. You'll exist able to show the interviewer what y'all have to offer the company if you are hired.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

The company wants to detect how you can help and what you'll exist able to accomplish if you were to exist hired. For most positions other than entry-level jobs, the ideal candidate brings feel, skills, and qualifications to the function.

When interviewers ask nigh your contributions, they desire to learn whether you have the skills required to do the task, and the ability to succeed in the position.

How to Respond "What Can Yous Contribute?"

STAR interview technique

 Theresa Chiechi / The Residuum

The best mode to respond questions about your potential contributions to the visitor is to give examples of what you accept accomplished in the by and relate them to what you tin achieve in the future.

Use the STAR Interview Technique

This is known every bit the STAR interview response method. Information technology provides a simple way to remember how to reply to interview questions:Situation (describe),Task (what you decided to practice),Action (how you completed the job), andResult (the outcome of the situation).

Learn About the Company and the Role

Commencement of all, be sure to have researched the company prior to the interview, so yous are familiar with the company'southward mission. Endeavour to identify the visitor's specific needs, and then reply past giving examples as to why your instruction, skills, accomplishments, and feel will brand y'all an nugget for the employer past fulfilling those needs.

When yous respond, take a few moments to compare your goals with the objectives of the company and the position. The closer a fit, the better your chances of getting a job offer.

Match Your Credentials to the Task

Match your qualifications to the chore, then you lot're prepared to share what you accept to offer. Also, be ready to mention what you accept accomplished in your other jobs. Your goal is to impress the interviewer with your accomplishments to engagement, and what you expect to accomplish if y'all were to be hired.

Examples of the All-time Answers

Example Answer #1

 I can contribute my ability to streamline role processes. For example, I adult a new method for scheduling client appointments, which led to an 85% subtract in scheduling errors. I would honey to apply, not but this method, only also my other organizational skills to this chore at your company.

Why It Works:This response works well considering it shows the hiring manager what the candidate was able to accomplish in a prior role; in a quantifiable manner.

Case Answer #2

I will bring my unique visioning ability to your company. I am experienced in many areas related to this company'due south current goals, including expanding international sales. For example, I helped improve international sales at a previous company past over 25%. My sales background and my planning ability will help to facilitate that growth.

Why Information technology Works:Equally with the previous respond, this respond provides a quantifiable achievement in sales growth. An increment in sales volume will evidence the interviewer that you have the ability to contribute to the company's lesser line.

Example Answer #3

My previous work feel includes innovation in many areas, including strategies for more than effective teamwork. At my previous company, I devised strategies for improving teamwork and communication amidst members of team projects. I tin bring to your arrangement not only my ideas from my previous task, just my general passion for innovation too.

Why information technology Works: The candidate explains how their prior piece of work experience is related to the position, and what they could bring to the visitor if they were to exist hired. They are showing what they take to offer and how they have used those skills in the past.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Here's how to give the best response to the interview question, "What can you contribute to this company?"

Emphasize What Y'all've Accomplished. Provide concrete examples from past jobs to show how you have contributed to other companies. Sharing examples is a manner to show employers the kind of work you will probable practice for them.

Describe specific examples of how effective you have been in your other positions, changes you have implemented, and goals you have accomplished.

Talk about the depth and breadth of related experience that you lot have. However, you lot will want to conclude by explaining how you lot tin bring your accomplishments to a function with the new company if you were to exist hired.

Employ Data. Interviewers inquire this question considering they want to know how y'all will add together value to the company. To show this, y'all might desire to apply numbers that bear witness how you have added value in the past. For example, did you increase a company's sales record by a sure percentage? Did you raise a certain corporeality of funds for an arrangement? Numbers offering a physical case of how you have contributed to a company and how you will probable contribute in the future.

Connect Your Answer to the Employer'south Goals. Any examples you focus on, make sure they are related to the particular job and company. Information technology'southward important to allow the interviewer know that you accept the skills necessary to do the task they are hiring for, the ability to meet challenges effectively, and the flexibility and affairs to piece of work well with other employees and management. If in that location are any specific qualities or skills that are particularly important to the job or company, focus on those.

What Not to Say

There are some things y'all shouldn't say when yous're asked about what yous take to offer a company.

Don't allow your ego go in the way. Even though y'all want to show the visitor how much you can contribute, you lot don't desire to come across as though your way is the only way to accomplish its goals. Exist flexible and consider the workplace, and the role, in your response.

Don't share examples that aren't relevant to the job. Keep your responses focused on the task for which you're applying. Information technology'due south important that the examples y'all share are specific enough to show the hiring manager that your credentials are a strong fit.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? - All-time Answers
  • How did you impact the bottom line? - Best Answers
  • Why should nosotros hire you lot? - Best Answers
  • Why are you the all-time person for the chore? - Best Answers
  • What tin you do better for united states than the other candidates for the task? - Best Answers

Key Takeaways

Enquiry the company:Before the interview, take the time to advisedly inquiry the company then yous know as much as possible about the organization's mission, goals, products, and services.

Brush up your interview skills: Make sure yous're thoroughly prepared for the interview, and that your interview skills are polished and professional, so you're prepare to make the best impression.

Always keep it positive:When responding to interview questions, always frame your answers in a positive manner.


Source: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-can-you-contribute-to-the-company-2061254

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