How Much Protein in a Serving of Beef

Raw steak on pan with space

Each 1-ounce serving of meat contains 7 grams of protein.

Image Credit: Yingko/iStock/GettyImages

Poly peptide serving size and calories for foods such as beefiness, canned tuna and peanut butter tin vary immensely. Obtaining accurate information is fundamental to balancing foods' nutrition and calorie counts.


Each one-ounce serving of meat contains 7 grams of protein, notes The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Heart. These numbers utilise to meats such as beef, pork, chicken, lamb and ham, amidst others.

Importance of Protein in Diet

Getting enough protein in your diet is key to helping your trunk run smoothly and efficiently. Every one of your body'southward cells contains protein in some form, notes the U.South. National Library of Medicine. Protein assists with repair of damaged cells and generation of new ones, among other functions.

Your body'south ongoing poly peptide requirements depend on your daily calorie intake. As a guideline, salubrious adults should consume x pct to 35 percentage of their daily calories equally poly peptide, says the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Healthy beast-based protein sources include lean beef or pork, fish, and chicken or turkey without the skin. If you follow a vegetarian diet, depression-fat dairy products are also a proficient bet. Vegetarians and vegans tin can enjoy nuts and seeds, along with soy poly peptide products such every bit tofu and tempeh.

Protein Serving Size and Content

Standard servings of meat can vary in their poly peptide counts. A 6-ounce steak is a fairly large beefiness serving size, and packs a hefty 42 grams of poly peptide (or seven grams of poly peptide per ounce), states The University of North Dakota Dining Services.

Other beef cuts take a like protein per ounce number, although the food'southward total poly peptide content depends on the beef serving size.

A 3.5-ounce chicken breast contains 30 grams of protein, says The University of North Dakota Dining Services. A cooked 4-ounce portion of chicken has 35 grams of protein. Fish is also a good protein source, with each fish steak or fillet containing roughly 22 grams of protein for a 3.5-ounce serving. A half dozen-ounce can of tuna has an impressive forty grams of protein.

A iii-ounce serving of ham contains nineteen grams of protein, while a four-ounce pork tenderloin has 29 grams of protein. Bacon provides 3 grams of protein in each crispy slice.

Steak and Chicken Gram Counts

Finding a food's grams of poly peptide per serving isn't equally elementary as finding the steak protein per ounce number. That'south because each food group'southward magic number applies simply to that food grouping. Y'all may as well eat more than the listed serving size, explains The Ohio Country University Wexner Medical Center.

For case, permit'south say you choose a three-ounce steak, a standard beef serving size, from the meat and meat substitutes grouping. Each of these foods contains seven grams of poly peptide per serving, A meat protein serving size is 1 ounce, and if you multiply the three-ounce protein serving size by 7 grams per serving, you'll consume 21 grams of beneficial protein.

Yous tin can also work out the percentage of protein in your serving. The USDA profiles a iii-ounce broiled loin sirloin steak, which has a weight of 85 grams. So, a 1-ounce serving weighs 28.35 grams, and that serving of steak contains 23 grams of protein. By dividing 23 by 85, yous make up one's mind that the steak contains 27 percent poly peptide.

According to The Ohio State University, a 3-ounce chicken breast contains 21 grams of poly peptide. Preparing it without high-fat, calorie-laden sauces tin help you accomplish your weight loss or maintenance goals.

Consuming besides much healthy protein might mean yous exceed your daily calorie count, potentially causing undesirable weight gain. To avoid that result, the Mayo Clinic recommends that y'all stick to that three-ounce meat and poultry serving size. As a guideline, a three-ounce serving of meat is about the same as a deck of cards. Besides keeping your calories in check, you'll also decrease your cholesterol and fat intake.


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